Segurança em transações eletrônicas
Barreto Filho, Cézar 1,
1 FIB Centro Universitário da Bahia Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia. Rua Xingu, nº 179, Jardim Atalaia/ Stiep, Salvador-BA
Abstract. The advanced technology provided a decrease of borders between people who use the Internet as a means of communication. The use of the Internet has evolved in such a way that allowed the companies seize the opportunities generated by the large number of users connected in networks of computers, so that traditional trade should extend to Eletronic commerce. (ALBERTIN, 2004)
Eletronic commerce is characterized by the use of Eletronic media for the conduct of business transactions between businesses, government and consumers.(MEIRA, 2002)
The number of Eletronic transactions is growing by the day and security in the process of buying and selling is fundamental to who has secret information from a virtual trading.
To ensure safety of such data from an Eletronic transaction, is used in security protocols based on encryption, using algorithms that convert information into confidential information meaningless for people who do not have appropriate tools to decipher the messages that travel across networks of computers.
The use of standard security protocols, the Security Socket Layer (SSL) and Secure Eletronic Transaction (SET) for the transactions of new activities that do not yet use the Eletronic media for marketing of products on the Internet. (VISA, MASTERCARD, 1997)
Key words: Computer Networking, Internet, E-Commerce, Security, Cryptography.
Resumo. O avanço tecnológico proporcionou uma diminuição de fronteiras entre as pessoas que utilizam a Internet como meio de comunicação. O uso da Internet evoluiu de tal forma que permitiu as empresas aproveitarem as oportunidades geradas pelo grande número de usuários conectados nas redes de computadores,