bridge and secure your project and lastly some know how and loads of common sense. Each project should be approached in a logical way:-
Getting started
Pioneering or Scout engineering refers to the work of military engineers who went ahead of the army on foot, to build bridges, roads and to generally prepare the way.
They got there first, often in the wilderness, and had to make do with what they could find, or carry. With axes and ropes they worked wonders and created many functional structures.
In Scouting we carry on this tradition as it provides Patrols with a challenge and an opportunity to develop as a team and achieve something worthwhile.
Before building it is necessary to have an understanding of the skills involved as well as enthusiam. Firstly, it is necessary to know how to tie the required knots and lashings, secondly, you must have spars or poles from which to build your project. The next consideration is ropes and pulleys to
What are we trying to do
What equipment do we have
What is the best way to use this equipment Designing the project
Planning the steps to complete the project Testing and safety
Dismantling the project
Every project should be approached in this way. The designs suggested are tried and tested however you rarely find a level river bed or trees in the right places for rope bridges etc. so each of the basic designs suggested will have to be modified to suit the conditions you encounter.
Experence would suggest that the best lashing to use in the construction of the projects is not the traditional square lashing but rather the
Norwegian lashing which is easier and quicker to tie than the traditional lashing.
With the Norwegian lashing the sisal or lashing rope is halved and you are constantly pulling the strain against yourself which makes it easier to tighten and manage the construction of the lashing plus