Sano Et Al 2009
Anais XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Natal, Brasil, 25-30 abril 2009, INPE, p. 1199-1206.
Mapeamento da cobertura vegetal natural e antrópica do bioma Cerrado por meio de imagens Landsat ETM+
Edson Eyji Sano 1, Roberto Rosa 2, Jorge Luís Silva Brito 2, Laerte Guimarães Ferreira 3,
Heleno da Silva Bezerra 1
Embrapa Cerrados
BR-020 km 18 Cx. Postal 08223 CEP: 73301-970 – Planaltina – DF
{sano, heleno}
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU
Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121 – Campus Santa Mônica CEP: 38400-920 – Uberlândia – MG
{rrosa, jbrito}
Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG
Campus Samambaia Cx. Postal 131 CEP: 74001-970 – Goiânia - GO Abstract. The Cerrado biome occupies 204,7 million hectares in the central part of Brazil. Mapping its land cover from satellite remote sensing is challenging because of its geographic extension, marked seasonality, highly dynamic and intensive land occupation, and spectral confusion between some natural and anthropogenic classes (e.g., natural grasslands and cultivated pastures). The goal of this study was to produce 1:250,000 scale, land cover map of the Cerrado biome. A set of 121, dry season, georeferenced Landsat Enhanced Thematic
Mapper Plus (ETM+) images from the year of 2002 was acquired. The images were mosaicked using histogram equalization technique, resized according to the Brazilian’s official 1:250,000 topographic sheets, and segmented in the SPRING 4.0 image processing software package. The segments were then converted into shapefile and mapped visually in the computer screens with support of field validation and ancillary data (Agricultural Census and digital elevation model). Results indicated that 60.5% of biome presented natural vegetation cover (areas with original vegetal cover, regardless of presence of land use). In the northern part of the biome, this percentage increased up to 90%. In the southern part of biome, it