Sabe de Nada Inocente
Palavras-chave: Estado gerencial. Princípio da eficiência. Agências Reguladoras.
Abstract: This article aims to expose the relationship of the principle of efficiency, entered formally as the principle of Public Administration in the 1988 Federal Constitution through the Constitutional Amendment 19, June 4, 1998, with the creation of regulatory agencies. It also discusses the influence that the principle of efficiency should have on the activity of regulatory agencies as well as the activities that they oversee and manage and to what extent the actions of regulatory agencies may or may not be considered efficient, since they must have support also in other principles of public administration, which are: legality, impersonality, morality, and advertising (Article 37, introduction of the Federal Constitution of 1988).
Keywords: State management. Principle of efficiency. Regulatory Agencies.
Sumário: Introdução. 1. O princípio da eficiência. 1.1. A relação do princípio da eficiência com os demais princípios da Administração Pública. 2. As agências reguladoras. 3. A importância do princípio da eficiência como princípio da Administração Pública em relação às agências reguladoras. Conclusões. Referências.
As reformas