
876 palavras 4 páginas
Iridology/ Rayid method as an instrument of psychological diagnostic and comparative with Rorschach test .
Sandra Regina de Souza Melo Martins
Celso Fernandes Batello
Jorge Meneghello

Nowadays, the iridology is a method not so used in conventional medicine.
Knowing that can you imagine its function in a psychological clinic ? It’s very difficult to prove it as a diagnostic method in the medical clinic, even knowing that it exists in papyri Babilonia, in this way the iridology applied to psychism, used as practice, through Rayid method, it’s not get acceptable in psychological office, because of innovating conditions as a psychodiagnostic method.
By the fact that it is a method of several facilities in the data research and it’s very simple to evaluate them, so knowing that we are evaluating this method. To do such a thing, we are using a psychodiagnostic exam which is recognized all over the world by the psychiatric and psychologic clinic, this is Rorschach test, as an instrument to evaluate Rayid method we don’t intend to equalize one method to another, but correlate the data to use it in the psychologic clinic.
In this way, we use seven adults from 19 to 39 years old and they were evaluated by Rorschach test in individual meeting by the psychologist
Sandra Regina de Souza Melo Martins, the data correction by Kopfer and supervised by the psychologist Marinês Santa Rosa Pereira Santucci, technic teacher and psychologic exams, coordinator of UMESP clinic, master in clinic psychology and superintendent of the psychology departament the Iris of these people were photographed by Dr. Celso F.
Batello, iridologist and homeophatic doctor and afterwards, the slides were analyzed by Rayid method by Dr. Celso F. Batello and by Dr. Jorge
Meneguello, master in science and iridologist.
The analysis was concluded by the reports elaborated by both parts, which were evaluated by Professor and Dr. Eda Marconi Custódio, Professor and
Dr. of Psychology Institute of USP - graduation


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