Reconhecimento e redes sociais
Roteiro de Leitura
Referência completa do artigo/capítulo:
Ficha feita por: Cinthya
I- Questões Gerais
I.1Quais os objetivos/propósitos do artigo/capítulo?
Basicamente, os autores estão preocupados em saber se a Internet está influenciando nas relações interpessoais e na organização das pessoas em comunidades de redes sociais.
We have been concerned with how the Internet is influencing interpersonal relationships and organization involvement in their social networks cum communities: 1. Do people communicate more because the Internet offers them the capability to contact people at a distance? 2. Do they primarily communicate via the Internet or are face-to-face meetings, phone calls, and gatherings still important in creating closeness and providing emotional support? More specifically, we have been asking:• Are people reaching out to neighbors and to their communities?• Are they getting involved in neighborhood associations and in public activities?• Does the Internet reduce the time we have available to dedicate to community life?• How do people use their networks, social communication, and computer to access information at home, work, and leisure?• What sense of belonging to communities do networked people have? [pg.2]
I.1.2 O artigo/capítulo discute claramente questões de identidade? Como? Quais são os principais tópicos abordados? Quais as principais controvérsias tratadas? Detalhar no item III abaixo:
I.2 O que @(s) autor@s querem provar/evidenciar?
I.3 Quais os principais resultados?
- a alta velocidade ajuda mais o vizinho que o enfraquece. Our findings suggest that high-speed Internet access supports neighboring rather than weakening it. [pg. 8]
- De acordo com uma experiência feita pelo NetLab, residents with high-speed Internet connections have much more informal contact with