Jornal de Pediatria
Copyright © 2004 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria
Recomendações para alimentação complementar da criança em aleitamento materno
Recommendations for the complementary feeding of the breastfed child
Cristina M. G. Monte1, Elsa R. J. Giugliani2
Objetivo: Apresentar uma revisão sobre as evidências que embasam as recomendações atuais da alimentação complementar de crianças em aleitamento materno.
Objective: To present a review on the evidences that support the current recommendations for breastfed children feeding.
Sources of data: An extensive bibliographic review of the topic was carried out. Articles selected in the MEDLINE and Lilacs databases, publications from national and international organizations, theses and dissertations were reviewed. Some key articles were also selected from the citations referred in other papers.
Fontes de dados: Foi realizada extensa revisão bibliográfica sobre o tópico, tendo sido consultados artigos selecionados a partir de pesquisa das bases de dados MEDLINE e Lilacs, publicações de organismos nacionais e internacionais, dissertações e teses. Alguns artigoschave foram selecionados a partir de citações em outros artigos.
Summary of the findings: New knowledge acquired about child feeding over the last 20 years have led to a significant change in the current feeding recommendations for breastfed children in relation to the prior recommendations. The current recommended nutritional needs are lower than the old recommendations, complementary food is introduced in a more precise age, around 6 months, and new methods are recommended for promoting the childs healthy eating. The new recommendations emphasize the health feeding practices which comprise both the adequate food quantity and quality, including care with food handling and preparation, feeding and storage practices, and the respect and adequacy