Reabilitação visual
Prepared by the American Academy of Ophthalmology Vision Rehabilitation Committee Vision Rehabilitation Committee Members Lylas G. Mogk, MD, Chair William G. Crane, Jr., DO, FACS Mary Lou Jackson, MD Mary Gilbert Lawrence, MD, MPH Samuel N. Markowitz, MD Rebecca K. Morgan, MD Yale Solomon, MD Preferred Practice Patterns Committee Members Sid Mandelbaum, MD, Chair Emily Y. Chew, MD Linda M. Christmann, MD Douglas E. Gaasterland, MD Samuel Masket, MD Stephen D. McLeod, MD Christopher J. Rapuano, MD Donald S. Fong, MD, MPH, Methodologist Academy Staff Flora C. Lum, MD Nancy Collins, RN, MPH Doris Mizuiri Medical Editor: Susan Garratt Design: Socorro Soberano Reviewed by: Council Approved by: Board of Trustees September 8, 2007 Copyright American Academy of Ophthalmology 2007 All rights reserved AMERICAN ACADEMY OF OPHTHALMOLOGY and PREFERRED PRACTICE PATTERN are registered trademarks of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This document should be cited as: American Academy of Ophthalmology Vision Rehabilitation Committee. Preferred Practice = Pattern® Guidelines. Vision Rehabilitation for Adults. San Francisco, CA: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 2007. Available at:
As a service to its members and the public, the American Academy of Ophthalmology has developed a series of guidelines called Preferred Practice Patterns that identify characteristics and components of quality eye care. The Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines are based on the best available scientific data as interpreted by panels of knowledgeable health professionals. In some instances, such as when results of carefully conducted clinical trials are available, the data are particularly persuasive and provide clear guidance. In other instances, the panels have to rely on their collective judgment and evaluation of available evidence. Preferred Practice Patterns