Family health: limits and possibilities for an integral primary care approach to health care in Brazil
Ligia Giovanella 1
Maria Helena Magalhães de Mendonça 1
Patty Fidelis de Almeida 1
Sarah Escorel 1
Mônica de Castro Maia Senna 2
Márcia Cristina Rodrigues Fausto 3
Mônica Mendonça Delgado 4
Carla Lourenço Tavares de Andrade 1
Marcela Silva da Cunha 1
Maria Inês Carsalade Martins 1
Carina Pacheco Teixeira 5
Núcleo de Estudos
Político-Sociais em Saúde,
Departamento de
Administração e
Planejamento em Saúde,
Escola Nacional de Saúde
Pública Sérgio Arouca,
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.
Av. Brasil 4036/1001,
Manguinhos. 21045-210
Rio de Janeiro RJ. giovanel@ensp.fiocruz.br 2
Centro de Estudos Sociais
Aplicados, Universidade
Federal Fluminense.
Escola Nacional de Saúde
Pública, Fundação Oswaldo
Secretaria Municipal de
Saúde de Mesquita, Rio de
Núcleo de Estudos
Político-Sociais em Saúde,
Escola Nacional de Saúde
Pública, Fundação Oswaldo
Abstract The article analyzes the implementation of the Family Health Strategy (FH) and discusses its potential to guide the organization of the Unified
Health System in Brazil, based on the integration of
FH to the health care network and intersectorial action, crucial aspects of a comprehensive primary health care. Four case studies were carried out in cities with high FH coverage (Aracaju, Belo Horizonte, Florianópolis e Vitória), using as sources: semistructured interviews with managers and surveys with health care professionals and registered families. The integration analysis highlighted the position of FH Strategy in the health services network, the integration mechanisms and the availability of information for continuity of care. Intersectoriality was researched in relation to the fields of action, scope, sectors involved, presence of forums, and team initiatives. The results point to advances in the integration of FH to the health care