Prime faces
Çağatay Çivici
PrimeFaces Userʼs Guide
This guide is dedicated to my wife Nurcan, without her support PrimeFaces wouldn’t even exist.
Çağatay Çivici
PrimeFaces Userʼs Guide
About the Author! 1. Introduction!
1.1 What is PrimeFaces?! 1.2 Prime Teknoloji!
10 11
11 11
2. Setup!
2.1 Download! 2.2 Dependencies! 2.3 Configuration! 2.4 Hello World!
12 13 13 13
3. Component Suite!
3.1 AccordionPanel! 3.2 AjaxBehavior! 3.3 AjaxStatus! 3.4 AutoComplete ! 3.5 BreadCrumb! 3.6 Button! 3.7 Calendar! 3.8 Captcha ! 3.9 Carousel! 3.10 CellEditor! 3.11 Charts!
3.11.1 Pie Chart! 3.11.2 Line Chart! 3.11.3 Bar Chart! 3.11.4 Donut Chart!
14 18 20 23 31 34 37 47 50 56 57
57 60 63 66
PrimeFaces Userʼs Guide
3.11.5 Bubble Chart! 3.11.6 Ohlc Chart! 3.11.7 MeterGauge Chart! 3.11.8 Skinning Charts! 3.11.9 Ajax Behavior Events! 3.11.10 Charting Tips!
69 72 74 76 77 78
3.12 Collector! 3.13 Color Picker! 3.14 Column! 3.15 Columns! 3.16 ColumnGroup! 3.17 CommandButton! 3.18 CommandLink! 3.19 ConfirmDialog! 3.20 ContextMenu! 3.21 Dashboard! 3.22 DataExporter! 3.23 DataGrid! 3.24 DataList! 3.25 DataTable! 3.26 Dialog! 3.27 Drag&Drop!
3.27.1 Draggable! 3.27.2 Droppable!
79 80 84 86 87 88 93 96 99 102 107 110 116 120 138 143
143 147
3.28 Dock! 3.29 Editor!
152 154
PrimeFaces Userʼs Guide
3.30 Effect! 3.31 FeedReader! 3.32 Fieldset! 3.33 FileDownload! 3.34 FileUpload! 3.35 Focus ! 3.36 Galleria ! 3.37 GMap! 3.38 GMapInfoWindow! 3.39 GraphicImage ! 3.40 Growl! 3.41 HotKey! 3.42 IdleMonitor! 3.43 ImageCompare! 3.44 ImageCropper! 3.45 ImageSwitch! 3.46 Inplace ! 3.47 InputMask! 3.48 InputText! 3.49 InputTextarea! 3.50 Keyboard! 3.51 Layout! 3.52 LayoutUnit! 3.53 LightBox! 3.54 Log!
158 161 162 166 168 174 176 179 190 191 196 199 202 204 206 210 213 217 221 224 228 233 237 239 243
PrimeFaces Userʼs Guide
3.55 Media! 3.56 Menu! 3.57 Menubar! 3.58 MenuButton! 3.59 MenuItem! 3.60