Portfólio sobre o livro cry freedom
Part I – Portfolio Introduction
This portfolio refers to the book Cry Freedom, written by John Briley. Cry Freedom is a dramatic story, based on actual events, about the friendship between two men fighting against apartheid in South Africa in the 1970s.
The aim of this portfolio is to demonstrate students´ ability to read, write and prove that they are able to summarize the most important aspects of the book studied.
This paper will be developed in three parts: * Part I is the portfolio introduction in which will be given the most important information about the book; * Part II is the author´s biography. In this part I will tell the professional and the personal life of John Briley; * Part III refers to the summary of the book in which I am going to narrate the general story showing the main characters, the plot, the time the story took place, the political environment, etc. In part I will compare the cultural aspects found in the book with cultural aspects found in my culture.
In order to develop this portfolio I did some research on the internet through the Google, besides the book itself. As a result I found some websites: http://www.slideshare.net/guestb49da5/cry-freedom-by-john-briley-presentation#btnNext http://www.shvoong.com/books/biography/1821984-freedom/#ixzz2DQi4E3VB http://html.rincondelvago.com/cry-freedom_john-richard-briley.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Briley http://movies.yahoo.com/person/john-briley/biography.html
These sources were very useful for me because they gave me a lot of specific information that helped me understand the book and enriched me culturally because I could learn more about the Apartheid. I’ve learned that the Apartheid consisted of several laws that made the white people, who were the minority in South Africa, able to segregate and terrorize the majority, the black people mostly but also Asians and people of mixed race.
Part II - Author