plural in portuguese
Here are some rules for forming plural nouns in Brazilian Portuguese:
Words ending in vowels
Just add an “s.”
janela –> janelas [window -> windows] cotovelo –> cotovelos [elbow -> elbows] jacaré –> jacarés [crocodile -> crocodiles} 2. Words ending in "r" "s" or "z"
Add an "es."
cor--> cores [color -> colors] mês –> meses [month -> months]* chafariz –> chafrizes [fountain -> fountains]
*note that the circumflex disappears in the plural Words that are always plural
os parabéns [congratulations] as costas [back] of body os óculos [eyeglasses] as férias [vacation] Words ending in al
With these nouns, the al changes to ais. sinal –> sinais [stoplight -> stoplights] capital –> capitais [capital -> capitals] moral –> morais [moral --> morals] Words ending in el
Here, el becomes éis. papel –> papéis [paper -> papers] anel –> anéis [ring -> rings] hotel –> hoteis [hotel -> hotels] Words ending in il
These nouns change their endings to is. funil –> funis [funnel --> funnels] barril –> barris [barrel --> barrels]
Words ending in ol
These nouns have their endings changed to óis.
lençol –> lençóis farol –> faróis When a noun ends in “ão,” there are different rules for how to make it plural, and it is simply a matter of memorization to remember which nouns have which rule. 1. ão to ãos
irmão –> irmãos [brother -> brothers] mão –> mãos [hand -> hands] 2. ão to ães
cão –> cães [dog -> dogs] pão –> pães [bread -> bread (plural)] alemão –> alemães [German --> Germans]
3. ão to ões
organização –> organizações [organization -> organizations] gavião –> gaviões [hawk -> hawks] avião –> aviões [airplane -> airplanes] Also, nouns that end with “em” change to ens.
nuvem –> nuvens [cloud -> clouds] bem –> bens [good -> goods] trem –> trens [train -> trains]
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