Plano empresarial
Informal letter............................................................................................................ 1
Formal letter.............................................................................................................. 2
Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………………..………3
Definition and stracture ……………………………………………………………….…......4
Formal letter
Dear Mr.
Minister of labor- inspection of work Maputo
Matter: request for postponement of the meeting of 21 October
Dear Mr,
The carrier fauzy limited acknowledges receipt of the notification sent to October 21, 2003, requesting the appearance of the representative legal of enterprise for a meeting to take place at 9 p.m. on the day October 22, 2003 for dealing with the ex-employee Francisco Ninguém.
However, regrets to inform you that the company does not may be represented at the meeting referred to above, due to the short space of the notification. Thus, calls for the postponement of the same for the Friday, October 24, 2003.
For more, informs that the impress took note of the requested documents for the meeting, but is grateful that if you inform with more clarity on the subject of the same, so that it can prepare for it. The best regards.
Maputo, 21 October 2003.
The representative _A.Fausy_ Anuar Fausy 2
Definition and structure
Curriculum Vitae - and a document for purposes generally professionals, where the person indicates the identifiers aspects of his life and his training.
This type of text is necessary in situations of request or offer of employment. To their organization is a punctual description orderly and clear of personal data, so the curriculum the following