oi boi?

4268 palavras 18 páginas
Anais do VI Colóquio de História e Tecnologia no Ensino de Matemática (VI HTEM)
15-19 de julho de 2013, UFSCar, São Carlos, SP, Brasil

José Ribamar Penha Lindoso
João de Deus Mendes da Silva
Centro de Ensino Médio Governador Edison Lobão
Universidade Federal do Maranhão

In most Brazilian schools the approach taken in class on the teaching of analytic geometry does not mention the use of vectors, is also omitted from textbooks and, consequently, by mathematics teachers. What little is discussed on the study of vectors is introduced in high school physics teachers. This paper aims to propose an approach of plane analytic geometry in high school, based on the use of vectors and aided by computational resources, such as dynamic geometry software GeoGebra. By requiring a few prerequisites, it is observed that this proposa l can be applied in any year of high school, and the sooner we introduce these contents is expected that students have an easier time learning the concepts of analytical geometry, as well as monitor classes in other areas of knowledge, such as physics, for example, where these concepts are widely used, including providing a rich environment for interdisciplinary experiences. Moreover, one can make a historical correction, rescuing a concept highly mathematical area of mathematics, because as we know are introduced in physics in high school. We believe that the use of vectors associated with the use of computational resources as a teaching tool and as a learning resource to facilitate student learning, including providing they enroll in technical courses of universities with better learning conditions.
Words - Tags: Vectors, Analytic Geometry, GeoGebra.

O presente trabalho apresenta de forma sucinta uma proposta de ensino da geometria na educação básica usando vetores. O trabalho apresenta


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