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Why measure flow?
In many of today’s industrial processes, it is essential to measure accurately the rate of fluid flow within a system as a whole or in part. This applies equally to gases and liquids (e.g. carbon dioxide, nitrogen, liquors etc.) which are an integral part of the process, or to compressed air, water or steam which are fundamental to plant operation. The installation of any flowmeter can be justified in one of two ways: Tab handled orifice plate
Upstream pressure tapping
1. Process control
Here the flowmeter is used to measure the rate of fluid or energy flow to allow the process to be controlled and so ensure that the end product is of the required quality. A common example of this would be in steam injection systems for the animal feeds industry...too much steam and the product will not pellet...too little steam and the raw materials will not process and may damage the production machinery. Flow
2. Cost allocation
Where energy is used to provide process or space heating, it is fundamental to know where the costs associated with the energy are actually being incurred. Flowmetering allows energy costs to be allocated to a particular product, department or other user this usually resulting in a significant reduction in total energy costs.
Measuring flow allows you to:Improve process control Allocate heating costs Identify major energy users Monitor the results of process changes Check on steam boiler efficiency Identify energy patterns through the day Provide management information 1 000 Flowrate
Rate of flow kg / h
800 600 400 200
Lord Kelvin once said:
“When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind.” In other words, you cannot manage what you cannot measure and nowhere is that