Nokia marketing plan
Hena Minhas, ID: L0002SKSK1011
Aisha Hashma Haidar, ID: L0298SBSB1011
Furqan Hameed Kayani, ID: L0618BABA1011
Andreia cristina Alves de Souza, ID: L029SBSB1011
Teacher Marketing Management: Ellie Semsar
Hand in date: 20th December 2011 1. Introduction * For this marketing plan we have been instructed to come up with a marketing strategy for Nokia existing company in order to analyse all sectors and area, being creative enough to sort Nokia way of think, setting targets to compete efficiently in the telecommunication market.
1. Analysis 2.1 Sector Analysis
* The sector presents an impressive growth, in 1992 10 million people had a mobile phone. In 1999 Nokia sold 280 million and in 2000, 405 million. Currently even with a growth of only 4.9% in sales of mobile devices, Nokia managed to lead worldwide in 2010. However, showed decrease in market share. * A mobile phone estimated life is about 2 years and it is expected that market of substitution and ’’upgrade’’ growth will be over 20% in the years ahead. Source;
Michael Porter 5 forces analysis:
Source: ( 2.2.1 Threat of new entrants * Economies of Scale: Occur when average cost of production decrease with the quantity produced. In the telecommunication sector, this type of economies, forces new competitors to make high investments, the only way to reduce cost and compete.
* Product differentiation: In telecommunication brands are strong, consolidated with a large differentiation in products. Making complex for new competitors.
* Need of capital: Initial investment required is high. Fewer companies are willing to take the risk.
* Cost of change: Change of suppliers implicate high costs. Newcomers to this sector will have to substantially improve its product, to compete with the already existing in the market.
* Access to distribution