1) is the construction and use of functional structures designed from atomic or molecular scale with at least one characteristic dimension measured in nanometers. Their size allows them to exhibit novel and significantly improved physical, chemical, and biological properties, phenomena, and processes because of their size. When characteristic structural features are intermediate between isolated atoms and bulk materials in the range of about one to 100 nanometers, the objects often display physical attributes substantially different from those displayed by either atoms or bulk materials. é a construção e a utilização de estruturas funcionais concebidos de escala atômica ou molecular com pelo menos uma dimensão característica medida em nanômetros. Seu tamanho lhes permite apresentar novos e melhorou significativamente a química, física e propriedades biológicas, os fenômenos, e os processos por causa da sua dimensão. Quando as características estruturais característicos são intermediários entre átomos isolados e materiais a granel na faixa de cerca de um a 100 nanômetros, os objetos frequentemente apresentam características físicas substancialmente diferentes das exibidas por qualquer átomos ou materiais a granel. 1) Phenomena at the nanometer scale are likely to be a completely new world. Properties of matter at nanoscale may not be as predictable as those observed at larger scales. Important changes in behavior are caused not only by continuous modification of characteristics with diminishing size, but also by the emergence of totally new phenomena such as quantum confinement, a typical example of which is that the color of light emitting from semiconductor nanoparticles depends on their sizes. Designed and controlled fabrication and integration of nanomaterials and nanodevices is likely to be revolutionary for science and technology. Fenómenos em escala nanométrica são susceptíveis de ser um mundo totalmente novo. Propriedades da matéria em nanoescala pode