The History of Films
← Began in the late 1880s with the invention of the first movie camera.
← Movies became the most popular visual art form.
← During the first decade of the cinema's existence, inventors worked to improve the machines for making and showing films.
Main Names
← Charles Chaplin (1889-1977)
• Actor, director, producer, writer, comedian, dancer, writer and British musician.
• Silent film era.
• “Modern Times” and “The Great Dictator”
← Alfred Hithcock (1899-1980)
• English filmmaker, considered the master of thrillers, one of the best known and most popular filmmakers all times.
• Current Horror.
• “A Body of Falling” and “Psycho”.
← Quentin Tarantino (1963- actually)
• director, screenwriter, film producer and actor from the United States.
• Screenplays nonlinear, memorable dialogues and the use of violence.
• The most famous of the young directors behind the independent film revolution of the 90s.
• “Inglorious Basterds” and “Django Unchained”
Dead Poets Society
← Genre: Drama
← Year: 1890
← Cast: Robin Williams (John Keating); Ethan Hawke (Todd Anderson); Robert Sean Leonard (Neil Perry)
← Synopsis: chronicles the life of a poetry teacher that breaks the academics protocol to teach literature in a new way.
← Message: the story emphasizes the value of the real feelings of desire that must decide his own life and that there is always time for change, it is necessary to encourage people to change for the better.
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
← Genre: Action and Comedy
← Year: 2011
← Cast: Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes), Jude Law (Dr. Watson) and Jared Harris (James Moriarty).
← Sinopsys: As smart as Sherlock, the teacher Moriarty uses all his intellectual ability for do evil. The villain is ahead of plan, in which exterminates