Modelo holanda
* Print out the application form, To be signed by the applicant, * Fill in your name, town date and signature.
Declaration of awareness study, * Put a mark in the white square if you understand and agree with the declaration.
Declaration of circumstances, * Put a mark in the first white square. (Since the issue of my…………)
Declaration (criminal record), * Put a mark on the white square which applies to you. If you choose the second one fill in the reason.
Tuberculosis, * Put a mark on the first and the last white square if you agree. (I hereby declare the I am prepared…) ( I am aware…)
Appendix photo card, * Put your signature in the box on the right under corner. * Attach a photo (with adhesive tape) up to the Dutch standards. (for the Dutch standards see the photo matrix. Take the matrix with you to your photographer to make sure your picture will be correct.)
Send the entire application by post mail to:
Avans university of applied sciences, PO Box 90.116 4800 RA Breda The Netherlands
E L I N E S 2 0 0 7
Criteria for accepting passport photos in Dutch travel documents
The photo is intended to identify the applicant. Applicants for travel documents are therefore required to submit a colour passport photo that shows a true likeness of themselves. A photo will be accepted only if it meets all the criteria specified below, unless one of the exceptions in the Passport Regulations applies.
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