Missao e visao
Marcelo Antoniazzi Porto
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul -
PPGEP / UFRGS - Praça Argentina, 9 - Sala 405 - CEP 90.040-020 - Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
An increasing number of organizations has been issuing mission and vision statements among others like organizational values, principles, etc. In Brazil, such growth is essentially concerned with the “quality movement”. Although most executives engaged in such movement claim that all organizational work must be guided upon such elements, practice is not really following speech. Anyone who has a basic understanding of TQM’s structure “perceives” the importance of mission and vision statements. So what is the problem? Actually, any comprehensive quality initiative requires strategic focus, managerial commitment, organizational alignment, etc. It requires a behavioral change.
This may be the key point since it takes time, more than just the short term in which most organizations focus their performance measures. This article does not address what has to be done since the problem is complex and requires refined observation and analysis of current practices in order to propose some recommendations. However, since not even the conceptual basis is homogeneous, this article addresses two fundamental elements, mission and vision, frequently misunderstood and even taken as synonims. It presents guidance for their conception, clarifying differences, serving as a starting point for any genuine effort towards a true commitment to an organization’s mission and vision statements.
Keywords: mission, vision, TQM
Inúmeras são as organizações brasileiras que vêm, especialmente ao longo desta década, enunciando missões, visões, credos, princípios, valores, etc. como resultado de uma etapa inicial de seus processos de implantação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade.