metodologia cientifica

6390 palavras 26 páginas


O uso de pesquisas na formulação de políticas de saúde: obstáculos e estratégias
Research utilization in health policy-making: obstacles and strategies

Luis Eugenio Po rtela Fernandes de Souza
An d r é - P i e r re Contandriopoulos 2

1 De p a rtamento de Saúde,
Un i versidade Estadual de Fe i ra de Santana,
Fe i ra de Santana, Bra s i l .
2 D é p a rtemen t d’ a d m i n i s t ration de santé,
Un i versité de Mo n t r é a l ,
Mo n t re a l , Ca n a d á .
C o r re s p o n d ê n c i a
Luis Eugenio Po rt e l a
Fernandes de Souza
De p a rtamento de Saú de,
Un i versidade Estadual de Fe i ra de Santana.
Km 03, BR 116 No rt e ,
Campus Un i ve r s i t á r i o,
Fe i ra de Santana, BA
4 4 0 3 1 - 4 6 0 , Bra s i l . Management of a health system requires knowledge of the health situation and administrat i o n , among other factors. The use of scientific knowledge by health policy-makers is thus recommendable. However, policy-making processes and scientific practices themselves often appear to pose obstacles to the actual utilization of re s e a rch re s u l t s . Many such obstacles re s u l t f rom reifying views of the decision-making p rocess and objectivist conceptions of science.
We propose a re-conceptualization of health policy-making and scientific practices based on the language game notion. The use of re s e a rc h results would thus become an exchange of significant metaphors between policy-makers and s c i e n t i s t s . Adoption of pluralistic re s e a rch systems and intensification of interfaces between re s e a rchers and policy-makers in a context of k n owledge-sharing would be the main stra t egies to improve this exc h a n g e . Such stra t e g i e s would be efficient to the extent that they succeeded in drawing science and common sense closer together, thereby transforming both.
Health Policy; Knowledge; Strategies; Policy Making

Cad. Saúde Pública,


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