Master thesis in computer science

43049 palavras 173 páginas
Master thesis in computer science

Ziv Baida Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands February 2002


This Master thesis is the final product of six-months of research, comprising the last phase of my studies for an MSc degree in computer science at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The research was carried out in cooperation by the Vrije Universiteit and Cap Gemini Ernst and Young Nederland B.V., where I was employed during the research. Two people have supervised the research: Prof. dr. Daan Rijsenbrij Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Daltonlaan 300 Postbus 2575 3500 GN Utrecht Dr. ir. Hans de Bruin Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam Fac. der Exacte Wetenschappen, Div. W&I, Afd. IM&SE De Boelelaan 1081 1081 HV Amsterdam

The document is targeted at architects. Architects of the physical world are of course most welcome to read it, but in first place I refer to architects in the IT-branch. This thesis can help them plan their communication with business managers of client organizations, and assist them in creating visualizations, which are a tool for supporting this communication process. Business managers can learn from this thesis what some of the issues are that architects are confronted with. By understanding this, they will help bridge the communication gap between them and architects. Parts of the thesis can be of value for practically everyone. The outline of planning a communication process is such a topic, since we all are involved in important communication processes. Most people prepare some kinds of visualizations (e.g., PowerPoint presentations) in one stage or the other of their careers. They will find in this thesis useful guidelines for preparing their visualizations.

Carrying out this research project required a lot of help from many people. First, I would like to thank both my supervisors, Hans de Bruin and Daan Rijsenbrij, for the


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