Quality of life of women recovering from breast cancer after being subjected to mastectomies compared with those who had conservative surgery: a review of the literature
Juliana Machado Majewski 1
Aline Daniela Fernandes Lopes 1
Tárcia Davoglio 1
José Carlos de Carvalho Leite 2
Abstract This study reviews the literature on the quality of life (QoL) of women with breast cancer who have been subjected to mastectomy, compared with those who had conservative surgery.
Eight random controlled trials were selected. The studies were compared with respect to the moment quality of life was assessed (whether during or after treatment for breast cancer), the measurement tools of quality of life used, and also the methodology and results achieved. The results of four studies suggest a stronger negative impact in the QoL of mastectomized women; the other four studies showed no difference between the groups in terms of QoL. Objective measurements of quality of life may help identify potentially critical situations of daily life and assist in planning actions to promote health among women who have been subjected to breast cancer surgery
Key words Breast cancer, Mastectomy, Quality of life
Grupo de pesquisa em
Psicologia da Saúde,
Programa de PósGraduação em Psicologia,
Faculdade de Psicologia,
Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio Grande do
Sul (PUC/RS). Av. Ipiranga
6687/ Prédio 11/937,
Partenon. 90619-900 Porto
Alegre RS. 2
Universidade do Vale do
Rio dos Sinos
Resumo Este estudo revisa a literatura sobre a qualidade de vida (QV) de mulheres com câncer de mama submetidas à mastectomia comparadas àquelas que realizaram cirurgia conservadora. A seleção final resultou em oito ensaios clínicos randomizados. Os estudos foram comparados quanto ao momento em que a QV foi avaliada, se durante ou após o tratamento, quanto aos instrumentos que mensuraram a QV, e quanto à metodologia e resultados. Os