Madeiras engenheiradas
Structural engineered wood products are "engineered" by virtue of possessing structural properties that are confirmed by methods other than simple visual grading. Glued engineered wood products are manufactured by bonding together wood strands, veneers, lumber or other forms of wood fiber to produce a larger and integral composite unit with structural performance characteristics.
These high performance building components achieve predictable and reliable performance characteristics and meet rigorous quality standards.
APA - The Engineered Wood Association divides structural glued engineered wood products into four general categories: 1) wood structural panels, including plywood, oriented strand board, and composite panels; 2) glued laminated timber (glulam); 3) structural composite lumber (SCL), including primarily laminated veneer lumber (LVL); and 4) wood I-joists.
These wood products are further "engineered" for the structural applications in which they are used. The highly predictable performance characteristics of engineered wood products is important to design professionals, building officials and the end user.
APA's trademarked plywood, OSB and composite panels and APA-EWS trademarked glulam, I-joists, and LVL are all part of this family of engineered wood products.
GUIDE TO ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS ( K) Comprehensive guide to engineered wood construction systems for both residential and commercial/industrial buildings. Includes information on plywood and oriented strand board (wood structural panels), glulam, I-joists, structural composite lumber, typical specifications, and design recommendations for floor, wall, and roof systems, diaphragms, shear walls, fire-rated systems, and methods of finishing. (84 pages)
Lesson 2: Common Characteristics of Engineered Wood Products
All glued engineered wood products are made by combining wood strands,