These procedures Intends to make easy and efficiency the management of inventory so that the company can reach their objectives and help the company members to order material in a timely manner. * Inventory Management system ( Excel Matrix, save into share drive, with read access only)
Data Introduction. * IMS-Inventory Management System (Excel matrix) description * General List (Contain the list of all the Item of a given Family, ex. IT Equipment) Description – Protect Sheet * Group A (Classification of Goods for management purpose) * No. (Chronological order) * SOMG cat, No. (SOMG stock code); Formula * Stock on Hand (The exact qty on hand in a given period of time) Formula; * Unit (ex,: Unit, meter, kg, liter etc) formula; * Descriptions (Full description of the item) formula; * Storage bin (The place in the warehouse, where the item is stored) formula; * ABC ( Based on the most valuable Item, for better control) formula; * VED (Vital, Essential and desirable, based on the critical value of an item) formula; * Sub-total receiving (Total Cost of a receiving qty) there is a formula; * Sub-total issued(Total Cost of a issuing qty) there is a formula; * Total cost of Inventory (Total Cost of Stock on hand in a given period of time) There is a formula;
* Stock Card description; * Item Description (Full description of the Item); * Manufacturer’s Number (Part number from the manufacturer); * Date (Date of receive; date of issue; date of inventory); * Ordered qty (Qty order on the Purchase order); * PO number (Number of the Purchase order document ); * Transfer Number (Any Transfer document , ex. Cargo Manifest, shipping/issuing document); * Supplier (Local or