Livros matemática
Problems and Solutions
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Mathematical Olympiad in China
Problems and Solutions
East China Normal University, China
Xiong Bin
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Lee Peng Yee
East China Normal University Press
World Scientific
XIONG Bin East China ~ o r m a lUniversity, China LEE Peng Yee Nanpng Technological University, Singapore
Original Authors MO Chinese National Coaches Team of 2003 - 2006 English Translators XIONG Bin East China N O ~ T T UUniversity, China Z~
FENG Zhigang shanghai High School, China MA Guoxuan h s t China Normal University, China LIN Lei East China ~ormalUniversity, China WANG Shanping East China Normal university, China Z m N G Zhongyi High School Affiliated to Fudan University, China HA0 Lili Shanghai @baa Senior High School, China WEE Khangping Nanpng Technological University, singupore
Copy Editors
NI Ming
m t China N
Universitypress, China Z
Z M G Ji World Scientific Publishing GI. Singapore , xu Jin h s t China Normal Universitypress, China
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The first time China sent a team to IMO was in 1985. A that time, two t students were sent to take part in the 26th IMO. Since 1986, China has always sent a team of 6 students to IMO except in 1998 when it was held in %wan. So far (up to 2006) , China has achieved the number one ranking in team effort for 13 times. A great majority of students have received gold medals. The fact that China achieved such encouraging result is due to, on one hand, Chinese students’ hard working and perseverance, and on the other hand, the effort of teachers in schools and the training offered by national coaches. As we believe, it is also a result of the educational system in China, in particular, the emphasis on training of basic skills in science education. The materials of this book come from a series