Legalization of prostitution
Also known as “the world’s oldest profession”, prostitution was and will be in our society. It can be defined as the conscious exchange of sexual favors without sentimental or emotional interests. Usually the need for money is the main reason for people to become prostitutes, because it is an easier way to remain financially for people who don’t have the opportunity to go to university, since no one needs to have a curriculum to go into prostitution.
The prostitution’s existence in our society is inevitable. It won’t stop completely even if it is illegal. If it is legal, it can result in safe practice, so the law needs to follow the society needs to make the world a safer place. When it is done on the illegal market, it is easier to spread sexual diseases. By legalizing prostitution, prostitutes would have regular medical checkups and access to health insurance. Also, the need for dangerous abortions goes down in a system that legalizes and regulates prostitution as a profession. Studies have shown that prostitutes in legalized areas such as Nevada and the Netherlands have significantly lower incidences of sexually transmitted diseases. Plus Legalizing prostitution also allows governments to tax the service.
The prostitution is not going to stop if there are no laws to protect prostitutes, it is just going to make it worse. If prostitution was legal, it was going to be easier to catch rapists or any person who is truly harming a prostitute. If they are in an illegal job, they don’t want to go to the police and press charges because they will be afraid of getting in some kind of trouble. In some cases, even if they go to the police, the police officers refuse to investigate acts of violence against them because they are prostitutes. This is what happened with Gary Ridgway’s case. He spent twenty years living as a serial killer and confessed to murder more than 48 women, saying that he killed prostitutes because he knew he would