Just In Time no Brasil
Cristiano Rocha Heckert
Bolsista de Iniciação Científica do CNPq – Dep. Engenharia de Produção, Escola Politécnica, USP
Cidade Universitária, São Paulo – SP
Paulino Graciano Francischini
Prof. Dr. Dep. Engenharia de Produção, Escola Politécnica, USP
Cidade Universitária, São Paulo – SP
Just-in-Time is a production management philosophy in which the materials are supplied only in the moment they will be processed. The opposite model is the Just-in-Case which lead the company to great amounts of storage. First developed in Japan, Just-in-Time has been spread around the world and has been applied in almost every automobile company in Brazil in the last years. From its original concepts, JIT evolved to different forms of application. Nowadays, we can find in the Brazilian automobile companies three types of
Just-in-Time, which are discussed in this paper: the traditional JIT, the sequenced JIT and the JIT by kits. Another issue that will be considered is how JIT is applied for those products with low value (items C in the ABC chart). Of course, the strategy adopted in that case must be different from the one for high value products, as engines for instance.
Finally we will make a short description on the information systems for Just-in-Time that have been used in that industry. This is a point that has passed through many changes in the last years.
Área: Estratégia e Organizações
Key words: Just-in-Time, automobile industry
1. Introdução ao Just-in-Time
O Just-in-Time (JIT) é um modelo de gestão da produção, em que os insumos são fornecidos apenas no momento em que serão processados. Este sistema veio substituir o
Just-in-Case, no qual grandes quantidades de materiais e produtos ficavam estocados para estarem disponíveis quando fossem necessários ao processo produtivo. O principal objetivo do JIT é a diminuição dos estoques e a consequente redução de custos,