580 palavras
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THIS IS CASE SENSITIVE. if a letter is capitalized you must push shift to get the right korean character.초하급 경화제chgkrmq rudghkwp - Raw Hardener
하급 경화제-gkrmq rudghkwp - lesser/ inferior hardener
하급 경화제-wndrmq rudghkwp- Intermediate/ordinary hardener
상급 경화제-tkdrmq rudghkwp- Senior/Exceptional Hardener
최상급 경화제- chltkdrmq rudghkwp- best/superior hardener
최하급 연석chlgkrmq dustjr- raw paving stone
하급 연석- gkrmq dustjr- Lesser/Inferior Paving Stone
중급 연석wndrmq dustjr– Intermediate/ordinary Pavingstone
상급 연석tkdrmq dustjr- Senior/exceptional Pavingstone
최상급 연석chltkdrmq dustjr- Best/Superior Pavingstone
녹슨 철 조각- shrtms cjf whrkr- Rusty Iron Pieces
므른 철 조각 -amfms – Frail/ inferior iron
일반 철 조각- dlfqks- general/ ordinary iron
단단한 철 조각-ekseksgks- Solid/ exceptional iron
강철 조각-rkdcjf whrkr- Superior Iron
풍화된 뼈 조각- vndghkehls Qu whrkr- weathered bone fragments
다등은 뼈 조각-ekemddms Qu whrkr- Inferior bone fragments
일반 뼈 조각- dlfqks Qu whrkr- general/ordinary Bone
굵은 뼈 조각- rnfrdms Qu whrkr- Exceptional bone
고급 뼈 조각- rhrmq Qu whrkr- Superior bone
낡은 가죽- skfrdms rkwnr- Worn leather
얇은 가죽- difqdms rkwnr- Inferior leather
일반 가죽- dlfqks rkwnr- ordinary/common leather
두꺼운 가죽- enRjdns rkwnr- Exceptional Leather
고급 가죽- rhrmq rkwnr- Superior Leather
헝겊 조각- gjdrjv whrkr- Cloth Scrap
조잡한 천 조각- whwkqgks cjs whrkr- inferior cloth
일반 천 조각- dlfqks cjs whrkr- ordinary cloth
두꺼운 천 조각- enRjdns cjs whrkr- exceptional cloth
고급 천 조각- rhrmq cjs whrkr- superior cloth
흰색 큐브조각- gmlstor zbqm whrkr- White Cube Fragment
적색 큐브 조각- wjrtor zbqm whrkr- Red cube fragment
청색 큐브 조각- cjdtor zbqm whrkr- Blue cube fragment
흑색 큐브 조각- gmrtor zbqm whrkr- black cube fragment
무색 큐브 조각- antor zbqm whrkr- clear cube fragment
---*Remove the 'whrkr' to search for whole cubes.
라이언 코크스- fkdldjs zhzmtm- Ryan Cokes
영혼의 결정- dudghsdml rufwjd- Spirit Crystals
테라나이트- xpfkskdlxm- Terranite
까맣게 굳은 물질- Rkakgrp rnedms anfwlf - Oxidized Substance
Courtisy of Flame-
Needed for the APC