Java fx

13208 palavras 53 páginas

For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks and Contents at a Glance links to access them.

Contents at a Glance
 About the Author..................................................................................................... x  About the Technical Reviewer ............................................................................... xi  Acknowledgments ................................................................................................ xii  Introduction ......................................................................................................... xiii  Chapter 1: JavaFX Fundamentals ...........................................................................1  Chapter 2: Graphics with JavaFX..........................................................................69  Chapter 3: Media with JavaFX............................................................................111  Chapter 4: JavaFX on the Web ............................................................................141  Index ...................................................................................................................175


JavaFX 2.0 is Java’s next generation graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit for developers to rapidly build rich cross-platform applications. Built from the ground up, JavaFX takes advantage of modern GPUs through hardware-accelerated graphics while providing well-designed programming interfaces enabling developers to combine graphics, animation, and UI controls. The new JavaFX 2.0 is a pure Java language application programming interface (API). The key architectural strategies provided by JavaFX 2.0 API are the reuse of existing Java libraries and the bridging of communication between other languages that run on the JVM (Visage, Jython,


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