Instrumentalismo Schumpeteriano
A Epistemologia da Economia
Teórica em Schumpeter
The objective of this paper is to reconstruct the main elements of Schumpeter‘s instrumentalist epistemology, in the way as they are exposed in his first published book
Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie (1908), which is the main effort developed by the Austrian economist for the analysis of the foundations of the economic science. Firstly, I will reconstruct his instrumentalist epistemology and I will show the importance of the same. This reconstruction is important because the hard core of Schumpeter’s instrumentalist epistemology is the relatively unknown. Finally, I will indicate the direct filiation of the Schumpeter’s instrumentalist epistemology to the main ideas about the nature of mechanics and of the physics in general in the end of the XIX century. These ideas are mainly associated with Ernst Mach, Henri Poincaré and Pierre Duhem who faced the same challenge of Schumpeter in economics, which is, free the science (mechanics) from metaphysics (cosmology), creating a new theory vision.
Neste artigo mostrar-se-á os principais elementos constituintes da epistemologia instrumentalista de Schumpeter, da forma como estão expostos no seu primeiro trabalho de fôlego — e primeiro livro publicado — intitulado Das Wesen und der
Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie — WHT (1908) (A Essência e os
Princípios da Economia Teórica)1 que, sem sombra de dúvida, é o principal esforço
* Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo (EAESP/FGV-SP). Gostaria de agradecer aos cometários de
Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca (FEA/USP) e de José Chiappin (FFLCH-Filosofia/USP).
O título do livro pode ser traduzido das seguites formas: (i) The Nature and Essence of Theoretical
Economics. Segundo Swedberg (1991b:24), essa foi a tradução feita pelo próprio Schumpeter;