
6481 palavras 26 páginas
Installing Windows 7
This document provides general information that you should know before installing
Microsoft® Windows® 7.
Two options exist for installing Windows 7:
If your current version of Windows can be upgraded, choose Upgrade to keep your files, settings, and programs. (If your version of Windows can’t be upgraded, you'll need to choose Custom, which installs a new version of Windows.)
Choose Custom to install Windows on the partition you select. This deletes your programs and settings on that partition. You should back up any files and settings you want to keep so you can restore them after the installation. You must reinstall your programs when the installation is done.
Before you begin:
* Back up your files to an external hard disk, DVD or CD, USB flash drive, or network folder.
* Check the Windows package to make sure your computer meets the system requirements.
* Decide whether to install a 32-bit or 64-bit edition of Windows 7. To run a 64-bit version of Windows, your computer must have a 64-bit-capable processor.
* Find your 25-character Windows product key. You can find your product key on your computer or on the installation disc holder inside the Windows package.
* Write down the name of your computer if you will be connected to a network. If you’re running Windows Vista, here’s how to find your computer’s name: Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties. Your computer's name is displayed under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.
* Read “Known issues” located near the end of this document.
* Read the Windows 7 privacy statement online at
* Connect to the Internet so you can get the latest installation updates. If you don’t have an Internet connection, you can still upgrade or install Windows.
* Update your antivirus program (if needed), run it, and then disable it. After you install Windows, remember to enable the antivirus


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