* The edition of this book is Oxford Bookworms (2008) the author is Oscar Wilde. * Oscar Wilde was an Irish writer who born in the year of eighteen fifty-four in Dublin. In eighteen eighty-three he visited USA. He has some famous book like for exemple: * The happy prince and other Tales * Lady Windermere´s Fan * The importance of Being Earnest * Oscar Wilde went to prison in eighteen ninety-five because of a relationship with a man which was a crime at the time. * He died in nineteen hundred * He was famous for being a good story teller * The story takes place in the Canterville Chase * The main characters are: The ghost, The Otis Family(mum, dad, twins, Virginia, Washington) and Mrs.Umney(the house keeper)
In the Spring of eighteen ninety, the America diplomat Hiram B. Otis arrived to England he decides to buy the castle of Canterville, near to Ascott.
He was adverted, because in the house there was a ghost.
Mr. Hiram B. Otis, is married with the beautiful Mrs. Otis with he has four children:
Washington, 18 years old, Virginia, 15 and twins with 8 years old. Hiram decides to buy a big property: the Canterville Chase.
Lord Canterville, the owner he was extremely honest and said to Hiram B. Otis that the ghost is in the house for three hundred years.
The ghost is Simon Canterville who murdered his wife Lady Eleanor and told them too that it was very difficult sleep at night because of the sounds which came for the library. But Hiram B. Otis answered that the Americans don’t believe in that things. When them arrived to the house Mrs.Humney the house keeper was waiting for them. During the first meal Mrs. Otis saw a blood stain on the floor and her soon Washington try clean the stain and he could.
In the next morning Washington saw again the blood stain and everymornig he cleaned it because every night the ghost put the bloodstain again. In the first night the ghost just drag him heavy metal