Ingles - tradução

500 palavras 2 páginas
Where are my Clothes?

Today the Browns are moving to a new house.
A big van stops in front of the Brown’s house. Some strong men enter and begin the work. They are taking cupboards, wardrobes, tables, beds, chairs and boxes to the van.
It’s 7:20 now. Bill, a lazy boy, wakes with the noise of the men. He gets up and goes to the bathroom.
It’s 7:40 now. Bill is leaving the bathroom. He has a surprise: his bedroom is empty!
_Mother, where are my clothes?
_Yours clothes are in the wardrobe.
_Where is the wardrobe?
_It is in the van.
_And where is the van?
_It’s going away… there!
_Oh, mother!... Now I have to move in my pyjamas!

I am so hungry!
Today is Friday. Nancy and Ted at home. They are alone. John, the father, is working, in a factory and Mary, the mother, is working in Office. (Nancy is cleaning the house).
NANCY: Ted, your room is terrible! Look! There are books on the floor, socks on the table, shoes on the bed; your coat in under the bed! Heavens! Your room is very untidy! Come and help me to put all these things in order!
TED: I’m sorry but I can’t. I’m studying English. (Now in midday)
TED: Nancy, I’m hungry. Is our lunch ready?
NANCY: I’m sorry but our lunch is not ready. I’m cleaning your room. ( Now it’s one o’clock.)
TED: Nancy, I’m so hungry? Is our lunch ready?
NANCY: Not yet. I’m cleaning your room. Go to the kitchen and prepare lunch. (Now it’s two o’clock. Ted is preparing lunch in the kitchen)

Young people

Many young people think that problems.
Young people generally make their decisions alone or with the help of at the same age.
Very often this happens because there is no communication between parents and children.
Parents, sometimes, have no time to talk with their children and boys and girls Begin to move away from their parents.
There are, of course, different remedies for this situation. For example:
Parents must talk frankly to their children and try to understand their problems.

I am


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