
4403 palavras 18 páginas
RBTI / ARTIGO original

Infecções em UTI Geral de um
Hospital Universitário
Infections in General ICU of the University Hospital
Moraes, A.A.P.*; Santos, R.L.D.**

Objectives: to determine the most frequent microorganism in each infection focus.
Set: Hospital Alzira Velano, a university hospital in Brazil.
Design: Restrospective cases study.
Material and methods: a retrospective study from 1997 to now taking into consideration 266 cultures of microorganisms found in 202 patients in a population of 1196 people who had been treated in the general ICU of Alzira
Velano Universitary Hospital in Alfenas, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The material for analysis were collected in different sites as blood, bronchial sputum, skin lesions, tip of central venous catheters, urethra, surgical wounds in thorax , abdomen and derived from orthopedic procedures. Moreover, other sites were studied including the liquor and liquids from the pleura, the pericardium and ascitic ones.
Results: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus were the most frequent bacteria. About the specific infections site, S. aureus was the commonest microorganism in the cultures of blood although P. aeruginosa was the most frequent in cultures of deep endotracheal aspirate. Gram-positive coccus were the most present in cultures of wounds and central venous catheters. The gram-negative bacteria were the most frequent in cerebrospinal fluid.
Conclusions: despite the results found in the present study being similar to others reported in the international literature, they showed some peculiarities of Alzira Velano Hospital ICU that recommend a specific antibiotic therapy protocol for each institution.
Key Words: Infection, ICU, Critical care


s infecções estão entre as maiores causas de óbito em pacientes internados em UTI.
É importante localizar o foco da infecção e determinar o microorganismo, porém, não muito raro, esse fato fica impossibilitado, mesmo após


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