Importancia de relações entre países
Relations with Asian and Pacific countries
The history of international relations can be traced thousands of years ago; Barry Buzan and Richard Little, for example, consider the interaction of ancient Sumerian city-states, starting in 3,500 BC, as the first fully-fledged international system.[2]
The official portraits of King Władysław IV dressed according to French, Spanish and Polish fashion reflects the complex politics of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth during the Thirty Years' War
The history of international relations based on sovereign states is often traced back to the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, a stepping stone in the development of the modern state system There have emerged at last general signs of peace in Asia which has been a theater of war for many years and long troubled by poverty and political unrest, The role to be played by Japan, as the only advanced industrial country in Asia, in safeguarding peace in Asia is bound to be very great at a time when the concentration of steady efforts for building prosperity is becoming a concrete task for the nations of Asia. Especially, Japan must contribute, by taking advantage of its own economic power, to the stability and prosperity of Asia by helping other countries of the region as much as possible in their national construction.
What is important for Japan's policy toward Asia for the time being is to develop good-neighborly relations with the People's Republic of China, to make due contributions toward the detente in the Korean Peninsula and other areas where factors of confrontation persist and