With the demise of centralized Roman government in the West, trade, infrastructure, learning, and security declined. A feudal, or manorial system emerged based on reciprocal obligations between lords and vassals to provide protection and service respectively. The expansion and consolidation of large manors enabled the resumption of trade and the emergence of an artisan class. With the crowning of the Carolingian leader Charles "the Great" by Pope Leo III in Rome of Christmas Day in 800 C.E.—a symbolic act recalling the coronation of Saul by the high priest Samuel and consolidation of the tribes of Israel into a monarchy some two thousand years earlier—Charlemagne assumed leadership of a new Holy (Christian) Roman Empire. Sometimes called the "father of Europe," Charlemagne fostered a "Carolingian renaissance" in politics, church affairs, and arts and learning. Contents [hide] * 1 Terminology * 2 Origins: The later Roman Empire * 3 Early Middle Ages * 3.1 Rise of Monasticism * 3.2 The Merovingian Kingdoms * 3.3 Rise of the Carolingians * 4 The Carolingian Empire * 4.1 Carolingian political theory * 4.2 Carolingian Renaissance * 4.3 Breakup of the Carolingian empire * 5 High Middle Ages * 5.1 Science and technology * 5.2 Religious and social change * 5.3 Crusades * 6 Late Middle Ages * 6.1 State resurgence * 6.2 Hundred Years' War * 6.3 Controversy within the Church * 7 Historiography * 7.1 Middle Ages in history * 7.2 Medieval and Middle Ages * 7.2.1 Concerning terminology: "Middle Age", "Middle Ages" * 7.3