Hernia de disco
Formations random marginal osteophytes in the vertebral bodies
Reduction of signal intensity of intervertebral discs of D4-D11-D12 D5E by dehydration, best evidenced on T2-weighted sagittal sequence
Focal disc protrusion in right paramedian D11-D12 causing compression on the dural sac.
Pedicles and laminae intact
And costovertebral joints interapofisarias without appreciable changes
Neural foramina free
Spinal canal with good amplitude
Espacoliquorico well defined in myelographic effect on T2
Marrow size, morphology and characteristic of normal signal.
Diagnostic hypothesis: disc protrusion at D11-D12
review: Magnetic resonance imaging of the vertical column the sequences were performed
TSE sequence (turbo-spin-echo) and Tse Ti-weighted (turbo-Espinosa eco-weighted sagittal T2No
GRE sequence (gradient echo) T2 * weighted axial
vertebral body heights and alignment later kept preserved formations marginal osteophytes in the vertebral bodies reduction of signal intensity of intervertebral discs C4-C6-C5eC5 best evidenced by dehydration in T2 sequence sagitalponderada posteromediana focal disc protrusion at C2-C3 and C3-C4 touching the dural sac. disc protrusions, osteophytes broad base of the left paramedian emC4 EC5-C5-C "6fazendo compression on dural Osaka Etoc the ventral spinal disc profusion of broad-based paramedian right C6-C7 on doing Compression Osaka dural.uncoartrose at C5-C6 causing a reduction of the right neural foramen corresponding amplitudedo pedicles integrated Elamin spinal canal with good amplitude
CSF space well defined in myelographic effect on T2 bone size, morphology and signal characteristics of normal.
review: Magnetic resonance imaging of Lumbar spine the sequences were performed
TSE sequence (turbo-spin-echo) Ti-weighted sagittal
GRE sequence (gradient echo) T2-weighted axial sagittal vertebral body heights and alignment later kept