GR Aula 1
No entanto a festa termina e não é preciso mais nada..Já a rede tem de estar completamente funcional sempre e sobre constante supervisão!
The following figures illustrate the role that network management plays. Figure 1-1 depicts the task of running and monitoring a network that the organization responsible for the network is faced with. Figure 1-2 depicts where network management fits in to help organizations responsible for managing a network with their task. Figure 1-3 depicts what is included in network management—namely, the systems and applications used to manage networks, as well as the activities and operational procedures that those systems support.
A narrower definition of network management would not refer to “networked systems” in its generality, but simply to “communication networks.” Sometimes a distinction is made among the management of the networks themselves, the management of the end systems that are connected to networks, and the management of (networked) applications running on the systems connected to the networks. This distinction separates the terms network management, systems management, and application management, as depicted in Figure 1-4. In addition, networks, systems, and applications might all be involved in providing a service. Management of the service is therefore often distinguished as well and subsumed under the term service management.
Although there are certainly specifics to each of those management disciplines, they have much more in common than what separates them. Unless otherwise noted, we use the term network management in its broader sense, encompassing all of these very closely related disciplines. 13
O custo de operação e manutenção do equipamento pode ser mais elevado que o custo do equipamento em si.
Por exemplo, assumir que o custo do equipamento é de €300 000, a amortizar em 3 anos (tranches de €100 000) e que os custos de operação são €200 000 por