Girl interrupted
Girl Interrupted Script
Have you ever confused a dream with life?
Or stolen something when you have the cash?
Have you ever been blue?
Or thought your train moving while sitting still?
Maybe l was just crazy.
Maybe it was the '
Or maybe l was just a girl...
... interrupted.
Put her in restraints. Withdraw bIood.
HoId on.
Give her five miIIigrams of VaIium, IV.
Turn her head so she doesn't aspirate.
There you go.
Aspirin fragments and vodka, I think.
Don't teII me what you think. Take it to the Iab.
You shouId check my hand. There's no bones in it.
A wrist banger.
Is that why you did this? And other things.
Her parents are on the way.
Sometimes it's hard...
...for me to stay in one...
... if you had no bones in your hand... did you pick up the aspirin?
What is my mother doing?
WouId you answer my question, pIease?
How did you pick up the aspirin if you had no bones in your hand?
By then, they'd come back.
I see.
No, you don't.
...induIge me, then.
ExpIain it to me.
ExpIain what?
ExpIain to a doctor that the Iaws of physics can be suspended?
That what goes up may not come down?
...that time...
...can move backwards and forwards...
...and now to then and back again...
...and you can't controI it?
Why can't you controI it?
Why can't you controI time?
Where were you? Everyone is here. Come on.
Mary, you remember Susanna. Yes, I do.
You're wearing this?
I didn't know it was so earIy. I wouId've changed.
Everybody, Iook who's here.
Happy birthday, Dad. Thanks, sweetie.
I'm sorry, I want to say hi to her.
Sweetie, wouId you hoId this for me? I just want to say hi to Susanna.
Excuse me. Susanna!
Susanna! Professor GiIcrest's wife.
Barbara GiIcrest. You remember me?
Bonnie's mom. I'm Bonnie's