Gestão empresarial
Centro de Educação a Distância
Curso Superior Tecnólogo em Logística
Atividades Práticas Supervisionadas – ATPS
Tecnologia e Ferramenta de Gestão
Prof. Me. EAD: Oderson Dias de Mello
Camila Luzia Lopes – RA 5555114355
Clara Cristina Bellinazzi – RA 5771160611
Daniel Nascimento da Silva – RA 5311967148
Nilvam Ribeiro de Barros – RA 5300941692
Osasco / SP
Prof. Me. EAD: Oderson Dias de Mello
Professor tutor presencial: Vagner Olegário
Professor tutor à distância: Tania Mª. Alves Capodifoglio
Atividades Práticas Supervisionadas: ATPS apresentado ao Curso Superior Tecnólogo em Logística da Universidade Anhanguera Uniderp – Unidade Osasco, como requisitos para a avaliação da Disciplina Tecnologias e Ferramentas de Gestão para a obtenção e atribuição de nota ATPS.
The Code of Conduct GPA's main stakeholders their client. Because it is a function of the company to ensure the best shopping experience for the customer, not only causing it to become true, but above all that is part of their lives. Therefore, the entire construction of this Code of Conduct happened with customers in mind, and wants to speak in relation to shareholders, whether they speak the responsibilities of employees, the goal is always to make a call efficiently. Thus, the Code of Conduct GPA brings a specific chapter to talk about their relationship with customers, bringing vital as the marketing of products with shelf life controlled, caring for prices to match those advertised on the shelves, pass clear and accurate information about the products and services offered, cultivate cordiality and mutual respect, and anticipate customer expectations. Moreover GPA does not accept that its employees no longer act in good faith in consumer relations.
Fábio Camplacci
Diretor do Grupo Pão de Açúcar
O Código de Conduta do GPA tem como