Gestão de portfólios
The “Expert Series” is a collection of articles, papers and writings by PM Solutions’ associates and other industry experts that provides insight into the practice and value of project management.
Portfolio Management
Linking Corporate Strategy to Project Priority and Selection by Bruce Miller, PMP
AS ORGANIZATIONS PREPARE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY, being able to identify, justify, and prioritize your selection of Information Technology (IT) Projects will become more critical. By clearly understanding your organization's strategic direction and corporate bottom-line, you can begin to formulate a direct relationship between the IT Projects you choose and these objectives. The approach highlighted within this paper has been successfully implemented within Fortune 500 companies and the federal government. By using this structured, portfolio management approach, you will be able to identify and invest in only those projects that have high success potential based upon organizational strategies, objectives, and core competencies.
Most organizations select and fund IT Projects based on only a few, if any, criteria. IT Projects are often funded solely on their perceived merits or their project owner's political clout. Once the top IT Projects have been prioritized, projects are funded until the IT budget has been completely allocated. Little rigor is included in the prioritization and the overall ranking is purely subjective. In addition, important criteria that may directly impact a project's success are not taken into consideration. In most cases, corporate strategic factors are rarely considered or are deemed irrelevant to the IT Project selection process. As organizations continue to consolidate their business processes and closely monitor resources, IT Projects will compete directly for the same funds being allocated to traditional investments such as new product development or research and development efforts. In order for IT Projects