Gerenciamento Carlos matus

2783 palavras 12 páginas

Planejamento e Gerência no Enfoque Estrategico-Situacional de
Carlos Matus
Planning and Management in the Strategic-Situational Approach of
Carlos Matus
Creuza da S. Azevedo1
AZEVEDO, C. da S. Planning and Management in the Strategic-Situational Approach of
Carlos Matus. Cad. Saúde Públ., Rio de Janeiro, 8 (2): 129-133, abr/jun, 1992.
This study addresses conceptual aspects of planning and their relationship with management, as outlined in the strategic-situational approach of Carlos Matus.
Interest in the relationship between planning and management arises from reflection on theoretical works in the areas of planning (particularly health planning) and administration and

management, each of which has evolved as a separate area of knowledge. Recently, however, there has been more explicit exchange of ideas and beginnings of dialogue between these two areas. Contributions arising from Matus' strategic-situational approach indicate possible areas of articulation between the perspectives of these two schools.
In order to identify specific problems and concerns which link administration and planning, this study begins with a few brief considerations related to today's administrative impasses and

perspectives, particularly in the public sector in Latin America.
In keeping with our objective, the central axis of the adudy is the concept of planning and management proposed by Matus, including the so-called "times for situational planning" emphasizing tactical-operational aspects, one approach to decision-making — a key question in

Keywords: Decision Making; Situation; Knowledge; Calculation; Action

As preocupações mais recentes no campo da administração (Kliksberg, 1990) apontam, antes de tudo, para a necessidade de construção de um novo paradigma, já que as abordagens prescritivas das teorias tradicionais mostram-se inapropriadas frente aos desafios que se colocam na atualidade. No campo da


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