In a period of approximately 30 years the Mato Grosso State became into one of the most productive agricultural regions of the Brazilian territory, achieving, according to the statistics, an outstanding position as the state with the largest planted area of grain agriculture in Brazil. In the last 2 decades the soybean crop expanded in Brazil to large proportions, specially in areas of the Cerrado domain and, as a consequence, introducing important changes to the model of occupation of the territorial space as well as the local ecosystems. It is important to note that the agricultural production of Mato Grosso is concentrated at the Parecis plateau, where the Cerrado environment and part of the Amazon forest (Rain forest/Seasonal forest) are located, this is, an area partially belonging to the Rio do Sangue basin. The objective of this work is to analyze, by the use of remote sensing, the deforestation occurred at the Rio do Sangue basin (MT) and its effects on the local ecosystem.
KEYWORDS: biodiversity loss, deforestation, remote sensing, perda da biodiversidade, desmatamento, sensoriamento remoto.
1. INTRODUÇÃO A modernização agrícola que se instala no território mato-grossense, a partir do final da década de 1970, está associada à incorporação de novas terras ao processo produtivo, via expansão extensiva da fronteira agrícola, e à intensificação da adoção de técnicas modernas no processo produtivo agrário. Para atender e viabilizar a conjuntura prevalecente, o governo federal implantou,