Formulação de ração
Palavras-chave: rações, métodos de formular rações, cálculo de rações
ABSTRACT – Formulating rations is not difficult but it is time consume. In the tentative method it is not used any mathematic scheme. The calculation is carried out by tentative, increasing or decreasing the quantities of feed in order to achieve the nutrient animal requirements. The Pearson square method allows .to figure out rations taking into consideration the relative value (in percent) of a certain nutrien that has generally been the protein value. This method establishes the proportions between two feed, or two feed mixtures, with the goal of getting an intermediate protein value between the two feed or feed mixtures. In the algebric method, the feed proportions in order to get a feed mixture with a certain nutrient value can be attained by the establishment and resolution of algebric equations systems.
Key words: rations, methods of formulating rations, how to calculate rations
A formulação de rações para animais domésticos é realizada tomando-se em consideração a composição dos alimentos e as exigências nutricionais desses animais.