Synopsis: Shrek lives in a swamp and is considered by all the inhabitants of the neighborhood as being uglier and feared there. But in reality is not so, Shrek just wants peace and quiet in your life. That he has to spare, at least until the ruthless Lord Farquaad decides to exile all the characters in fairy-tales that exist in his kingdom into the forest ... where is located the Shrek Swamp. The quiet of the green ogre came to an end! Now he must take satisfaction personally with Farquaad to review their forest intact.Shrek strikes a deal: for the Lord to rescue a princess who is sleeping in a dangerous and distant castle, Farquaad peace returns to him.
Marley and me
Synopsis: They had a perfect relationship until a 'thing' was among them. Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson interpret Jenny and John Grogan, a young couple looking at the possibility of raising a family. Then came Marley ... an adorable Labrador, but also uncontrollable, that is expelled from school for training dogs, and the day to night, turns the Grogan home into a disaster area. Amid the pandemonium that creates Marley over the years, he accompanies the family on the highs and lows of life - and they end up realizing that "the world's worst dog" somehow brings out the best of them human.
Children of paradise
Synopsis: Ali (Amir Farrokh Hashemian) is a 9 year old boy from a poor family who lives with his parents and his sister, Zahra (Bahare Seddiqi). One day he loses the only pair of shoes, and sister, trying to avoid a scolding parent, is sharing his own pair of shoes with it, with both taking turns to. Meanwhile, Ali trains for a good placing in a race to be held, it needs the amount given as a prize to buy a new pair of shoes for his sister.
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Synopsis: Trevor (Brendan Fraser) is a science professor whose unorthodox theories have turned it into a laughingstock in academia. But during an expedition in Iceland, he and his nephew Sean and