Flag football e Futebol americano
Flag football and American football
Flag football is a variation of American football without the usual roughness and tackling of the American version, but with the same objective: to score touchdowns or field goals. A team must carry, pass, or kick the ball into the 10-yd (9-m) end zone on the opponents’ half of the field to score. In flag football, in order to prevent the opponent to score a touchdown it is enough to remove a flag attached to the ball
carrier’s clothing to stop the play. The referee stops the game at that place where the flag was removed and re-starts the game. Flag football has been growing fast in São Paulo schools and on Rio de Janeiro beaches with some Brazilian cultural touch. The Associação Brasileira de Futebol Americano & Flag (Brazilian American and Flag Football
Association - ABRAFA & FLAG), created in 2000, was the very first
one in the country to organize flag football tournaments, courses, lectures and programs in public schools. Most of the 3,300 flag players that Brazil has today in schools, universities, clubs, leagues, and associations live in São Paulo. Praia de Botafogo-RJ has become reference as a meeting spot for flag football on the sand. flag football has already begun in Belo Horizonte-MG e Brasília-DF.
Definição O Flag Futebol é uma variante do futebol americano, jogado sem a costumeira vitalidade e confronto corporal entre os jogadores, mas com o mesmo objetivo: marcar o touchdown. Este é o gol do futebol americano e ocorre quando um jogador cruza a linha de fundo carregando a bola, entrando na end zone (zona de pontuação), ou quando ele recebe a bola dentro desta área. No
Flag, para evitar que o adversário marque o touchdown, basta puxar uma das duas fitas (flags) que são presas à cintura de cada jogador, num cinto próprio. O árbitro paralisa a jogada no local onde ocorreu a retirada da fita (flag). A bola é recolocada no local onde se