Factors’ impact on men purchasing behaviors
There are many factors that influence on men’s purchasing behavior both external and internal factors. These factors play as important roles to men’s purchasing behavior especially, when they (men) buy skin care products. Age, occupation, income, living area, reference group, family, celebrity endorsement and culture are the basic factors that affect men behavior and purchasing behavior toward skin care products.
Customers in different age groups have different needs and want. While people who belong to same age group differ in many other ways, they tend to share a set of values and common cultural experiences that they carry throughout life (Askegaard et al., 1999). In term of skin care products, younger generation tend to be more open to skin care products than older generation. In a relation with this kind of market, Amanda (2004) revealed that men who are in the 18-24 years old, were driving apparel spending and are increasingly spending money on appearance related products as well.
It might be one factor that affects purchasing behavior because some occupations have to take care and maintain their appearance. Staying competitive in term of appearance in workplace is becoming more and more importance. As Antoinette (2001) said that many working men believe personal appearance does influence whether someone is promoted or succeed professionally. Therefore, spending patterns is found among different occupational groups
(Prakask and Vinith, 2007).
Income plays as an important factor in purchasing behavior. According to Chunhapak et al.,
2008, noted that people who have different income have different selection of product.
Moreover, people who have high income are more ready to buy expensive products but people who have low income are not. Therefore, income is one factor that affects purchasing behavior. In term of skin care product, Blanchin et al., (2007) said