Etmologia forense
Cem anos da Entomologia Forense no Brasil (1908-2008)
José Roberto Pujol-Luz1, Luciano Chaves Arantes1,2 & Reginaldo Constantino1
Núcleo de Entomologia Urbana e Forense, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade de Brasília. Brasília, DF.
Seção de Perícias e Análises Laboratoriais, Instituto de Criminalística, Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal. SAISO, Complexo da Polícia Civil, bloco
E, Brasília-DF. 70610-200.
ABSTRACT. One hundred years of forensic entomology in Brazil (1908-2008). The history of the development of forensic entomology in Brazil, its current status and perspectives are reviewed. Those studies in Brazil began in 1908 with the pioneer works conducted by Roquette-Pinto and Oscar Freire, who noted the high diversity of the native fauna of necrophagous insects and the impossibility of direct application of the methods developed in Europe. In the last two decades, forensic entomology advanced rapidly in Brazil, but there still are some important limitations, especially in relation to the taxonomy, biology and ecology of necrophagous insects and the lack of interaction between researchers and police investigators. Today there are in Brazil over 20 researchers involved with forensic entomology and tens of police investigators with some training in this field. Guidelines for the development of this field of investigation in Brazil are also presented.
KEYWORDS. Forensic taphonomy; history; necrophagous insects.
RESUMO. Cem anos da Entomologia Forense no Brasil (1908-2008). Apresentamos uma história do desenvolvimento da Entomologia Forense no Brasil e uma avaliação do estado da arte e perspectivas. Esses estudos no Brasil iniciaram-se em 1908 com os trabalhos pioneiros de Roquette-Pinto e Oscar Freire, que notaram a grande diversidade da fauna de insetos necrófagos e a impossibilidade de