Estudo de caso
Denise Rauta Buiar
Aluna do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
The worldwide changes in economy, technology, political and social areas cross over geopolitical changes, open economy and globally, actual relationship and policies changes, systems and structures. To answer to this changes the companies are restructuring themselves internally and externally to avoid global competitively.
These processes must be evaluated using organizational and technological points of view.
Flexibility is a key point of advantage against competitors inside new technological paradigm. More flexibility search is a intrinsic process to small and medium enterprises and strategic to large corporations and must be a competitive advantage.
Flexibility can be analyzed inside enterprises as Structural (internal) and External.
The Structural Flexibility is related to information processing, technological innovation and labor force capacity . The key point is labor capacity that is the propelling mechanism since groupware organization until organizational learning dissemination, creativity enhancement and commitment with strategies defined with group and directors.
External Flexibility is the enterprise agility came from productive process division with other companies outside organization like outsourcing, partnerships, consortiums, subcontractors, and other related ways.
An analyses of the case study developed with top three revenue enterprises of Parana state in electronic area, show Structural and External Flexibility.
Área : Estratégias e Organizações - Avaliação de Competitividade
Keywords: Flexibility Competitively Strategy
1. Introdução
O mundo tem passado por grandes transformações aceleradoras de mudanças de caráter econômico, tecnológico, político e social. E as principais causas destas mudanças, que já são velhas